Monday, October 1, 2012

God Grew Tired of Us

Today in class we finished watching God Grew Tired of Us. We found out what happened to the lost boys that were brought to America. Panther wen't back to Africa to merry his girlfriend so they can both live in Pittsburgh. He was also reunited with his family. While in was in the United States Panther earned his Bachelors degree and started raising money to build a school in Sudan so he can teach people. John also got his Bachelors degree. He saved enough money to bring his mother and sister to the U.S. he helps support his family. John is also building a medical clinic in Sudan. Daniel didn't really do much to help in Sudan. He still works in the Job Core and he never found his family. My favorite parent in the movie was when John was reunited with his mother. I just thought it was so amazing how he hasn't seen his mother in 17 years and they find each other. I also liked John's mothers reaction when she saw him. She started singing a song I'm guessing their tribe use to or still does sing when they are happy or grateful. I think it would be very cool if we could do something to help the people in Sudan as a class. I'm not really positive on what we could do to help but in middle school we use to have contests on the see which grade could raise the most money for something and who ever won got an ice cream or pizza party.

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