Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Today in class we got our tests back and went over the answers. I didn't get the best grade but that lets me know I need to study longer for the next test from when I did for this one. After we finished going over the answers we watched and took notes on the movie God Got Tired of Us. As we were watching the movie I was trying to think about me having to live like the people in Sudan did and how they lived and it was just really hard to believe. I thought it was amazing that thousands of young men traveled all over Africa to stay safe from t.he war in Sudan and how they survived being out in the wild with deadly animals without food, water. It really made me think about how lucky I am to have what I have


I think this is Thursday’s blog I didn’t get to post it because my blog was not working. Today in class we finished going over the answers for the Factbook questions. Also at the end of class we started to watch a video about the 21st century. A really cool fact that was in the video was that there are 845,000,000 users on Facebook. If it were a country it would be the third largest country behind China and India. I also thought it was interesting how they said that schools are already getting students ready for jobs that don’t even exist. It is also predicted that by 2049, a 1000 computer will exceed to computational capabilities of the entire human species. I really liked how in the end of the video it tells you how many babies were born in each country during the course of the video. The video is four minutes and fifty-nine seconds long and in India 395 babies were born. It also tells you during the time of the video 694,000 songs were downloaded illegally. It’s amazing when you think about what new inventions could be around in 5 years. 

I Don't Know What to Name This

I'm so glad i finally got my blog up and running again.I really liked Friday’s class because we were talking about things that were happening and how we felt about them. We finished watching the video and we talked about what kind of things were interesting to us and what we didn't understand. We talked about facebook and what people do on it and how we feel about the website. I personally think facebook is annoying because people just use it to complain about their life. It’s annoying and I understand that they want to write how they feel but that is what a journal is for. Over half the people I’m friends with on facebook post negative statuses all day every day. I can’t get rid of my facebook though because it’s how people invite people to their parties and how people communicate with you now.  We also talked about how people bully others over the internet and how it affects us and others. Mr.Schick also shared his story about the first time he used a cell phone with use which was pretty funny. I really liked that on Friday we had a long conversation about the present and that we all just talked about what we knew and how we felt. I thought it was really cool .


Today in class we went over our answers to the questions we were given on Monday. I really liked doing these questions because i learned things about the world i never really knew or thought about. We talked about how amazing it was that 95% of Zimbabwe is unemployed. Which means only 1 out of 20 people would have an everyday job that pays. We also talked about how most of the things we have in the United States is made from China. The reason for this is that we are in debt with China so we buy things from them to pay them back. Another reason is that it is to expensive for us to have to pay workers to make everything for us but its cheaper for us to just buy things from other countries. I also learned that almost everything we use had oil in it and that the United States imports the most oil out of any other country in the world.

Answers to Questions

1.      United States population is 313,847,465.
     2.       The 5 largest countries in the world by population are…
·         China
·         India
·         United States
·         Indonesia
·         Brazil
    3.       Pakistan’s population is 190,291,129
    4.      The United States government is a Constitution Based Federal republic
    5.       The unemployment rate in Zimbabwe is 95%
    6.       The largest country in the world is Russia
    7.      Mexico has the third greatest number of airports
    8.      China has the greatest number of exports
    9.      Saudi Arabia exports the most oil
    10.  United States imports the most oil
    11.  United States consumes the most oil
    12.  Yes women can serve in combat roles in Chinas military
    13.  GPD is the value of all final goods and services produced within a nation in a year
    14.  Liechtenstein has the highest GDP. 141,100
    15.  The United States is not in the top ten GDP
    16.  Africa has the highest birth rate in its countries
    17.  Africa has the highest number of HIV/AIDS deaths
    18.  One of the countries in the top 12 is Switzerland
    19.  The United States is ranked 18th in HIV/AIDS deaths
    20.  The US is ranked #3 in number of cell phones
    21.  23.9% of the US is Roman Catholic
    22.  76.5% of Mexico is Roam Catholic
    23.  The Net  Migration Rate is a contribution of migration to overall level population change
    24.  The US does not have the highest Net Migration rate.
    25.  The whole planets population is 7,021,836,029

Link Evaluations!

Today in class we evaluated nine different websites.
1. I can tell the first link is a trustworthy website because at the bottom you can click on "Contact CIA" and it takes you to a page with information on who runs the site, the phone and fax numbers, the postal mail address, and email.

2. I don't think the second link is very legit because there is no way of contacting the people who run the site and it also has some information in the text that isn't very important.

3. The third link doesn't seem very legit because you can't find the contact information all it says is that its by Melvin Sickler. The site also had an add on it which could be a virus or a scam, the website was also not set up very well i thought it was confusing.

4. The fourth link is reliable because on the contact information it shows you the people who work on the website and has pictures of them. It also has their address, email, office and fax number.

5. I think this link its legit because it has a link that takes you to all their contact information. They give you their phone number, email, and twitter.

6. I think this link is reliable because it tells you on the home page the last time it was updated and it also has a contact page. Which gives you different phone numbers to different people you may need to contact and their email. It also gives you links for different reasons that you may want to contact the newspaper for.

7. Link seven is a trustworthy page because on the contact page it has different links to click on for any problem you may have with the website, such as comments, questions and tips for a news story. It also has many social websites you can follow them on and also has a link for you to email them.

8. The eighth link is reliable because when you click on the contact us link different kinda of information about the website shows up, like the top questions that are asked about the website and all the important information about the website. Also if you click on Contact us again at the bottom of the page it gives you links to different places you may want to contact someone on.

9. This link is reliable because on the page there in a link that says all about me and it has the creator of the blogs email to contact him and other information you may want to know about


Today in class we learned that Mr.Schick really likes Wikipedia. We also talked about where the best place to find information for a paper is and weather its reliable information or not. Personally I learned that Wikipedia is actually a really good search engine. I use to think it wasn't very reliable because people can change the information on the website, but then i realized how many people read the website each day, and that they can call the makers of Wikipedia and tell them something's not right. Then we talked about how you can tell if you can trust the information on the site or not, if the website does not show the makers email or other ways of contacting them it's probably fake or not very reliable. Now I know that I should be more careful and take my time while working and an information paper for school.

Essay #3

It’s very important to me to be successful at John Carroll in the next four years because I have had a hard time with it in the past. I know it will be challenging but I’m willing to face it. I already have a note book to write down my homework for every class so I know what to do at night so I can be ready for the next day. Every night before I got to bed I lay out my uniform, put my book bag by the door and pack my lunch so I have everything I need for the next day. I’m also in the enhanced program which will help me with my organization and study skills. In enhanced Mrs.Drummy told us to have a space at home where there are not any distractions so that we could do our homework. I have cleared desk in my room with all the right supplies I might need to do my work. I am also going to try to ask questions about what I don’t understand in class so that I can be ready for any upcoming quizzes or tests in class.

Essay #2

If Elbert Hubbard and Socrates timed traveled to the year 2012 I think they would be pretty shocked. Elbert Hubbard wrote an essay called A Message to Garcia which was about people not being lazy and doing what they are told without any questions asked. Elbert was probably thinking the world was going to be like that in the future. I think if Socrates saw how the world was now he would be surprised and upset because his method was about speaking your thoughts and being able to believe in what you think. But now not every country is a democracy, some have a dictator which means they have no right to speak against the leader and say think and believe in what they think. Also if someone was going to be killed because of something they did and had a choice to apologize and live or die knowing what you believe was right. Most people now a day would choose their life over what they believe in a heartbeat. This would really confuse Socrates. People now are also not so eager to learn and they make it hard for other people to be proud of what they believe in because they either make fun of them for take advantage of them and their beliefs. Elbert Hubbard was right though, there are good people in this world who aren’t rude or lazy and will do what they are told and be proud of what they believe and respect others beliefs. 

Essay #1

 Arete is courage and strength in the face of adversity. Socrates demonstrated this by believing in his method even though he was being put to death because of it. He had a choice, Socrates didn't have to die he could of apologized and said he would never do it again. But he chose to die because he believed in his government and his method. Arete also means of great excellence, which he also showed. He walked around the streets teaching children and adults just by asking questions about what they think. Not by answering questions or telling them things he simply just asked them questions. Socrates showed people that what they thought mattered and that you should always stand up for what you believe in.


I already wrote about what we talked about in class yesterday but i forgot to add the definitions so, here they are.

  • Arete- Courage and strength in the face of adversity.
  • Polis- Greek city states that got to choose their own leaders.
  • Socrates-(this one answers who he was and what his method was) A Greek philosopher, he came up with a method to ask someone a question and then ask them questions about their answers.
  • The Death of Socrates- Condemned to death by Athenian government for his teaching methods, disrespecting the gods, and disturbing the youth.
  • 508 BC-  Klisthenis gained power and created democracy.
  • Idiot-Someone who does not vote.
  • Agora- A place of assembly, a market,city center,or meeting place.

Today in class we went over most of the words from ancient Greece and really got into some.

good discussions about the words and their definitions and the stories to their definitions. I 

liked talking about Socrates he does sound really cool and interesting.I think its amazing how 

people like him can actually come up with methods like that and others that are different and 

have them make complete sense and be some what true. I also thought it was interesting that 

even though he had a why of getting himself from being killed he still when through with it 

because he believed in the government and how they did things in Greece. Greece was the first  

ever  in the world to have democracy. The Greek had a place in the middle of town where they 

all voted on many different things. Like how much olive oil should cost and whether they should 

go to war with someone else or not. I just like that the Greek had so much control on what was 

going on where they live. I know we have a democracy but ours is a little more strict because

we don't have the power to vote on whether we should go to war or not.

A Message to Garcia

Today in class Mr.Schick read to us A Message to Garcia, which was mainly about how even though most people are lazy and will try to talk themselves out of doing work  and ask a bunch of questions or that they won't do the work unless they get something in return. There are good hard working people in the world that will do what they are asked with out any questions and get the job done. I really enjoyed the essay, I liked the way it was written and what it was about.I think Mr.Schick read this to us to make us think of what kind of person we wanted to be at John Carroll, and that's what it did for me I really thought about what kind of student I wanted to be while I'm at John Carroll and I would like to be like Roan but still mayhap ask a one or two questions to help me along the way to Garcia.

Day One of High School

I am very excited for Human Geography this year, my class seems very fun and interesting, I can’t wait to hear all the different conversations we are going to have together. Today in class we talked about the syllabus. This is everything we need to know about human geo. with Mr.Schick. It showed us how our assignments were going to be graded, and that we lose 10% each day homework is late. The syllabus also talks about how important it is to pay attention in class and not play games and goof off on your laptop. It’s important because not only could it be affecting our grade in class but it could also affect the people around us. Because John Carroll is a collage prep school we are also responsible for making up work that we missed from either being sick or leaving school early for a sports game. Today was really just for getting to know everyone and learning all the rules in the Schick kingdom. I'm really looking forward to being in this class this year.

My First Day at John Carroll

 My first day at John Carroll was very fun and exciting. In the morning on the way to orientation I was so excited to see all my friends and meet my teachers. My day started of with breakfast (as it always should) and I got to hang out with my friends and meet new people. After breakfast everyone went into the auditorium where the students and staff of John Carroll told us what this school year is going to be like and the kind of stuff we are going to do. Then after that we said goodbye to our parents and went to our advisory. My adviser is Ms.Siemsen.  She is very nice and helpful, and I like that my aunt's office is right down the hall from her room. After we talked about advisory and answered some questions we got our lockers. I opened mine after the sixth or seventh try.Next we walked around looking for some of our classrooms but right when we got to see where the Spanish classroom was the fire alarm went off. Then we got snacks and talked to friends and tried to see who was in classes together and who wasn't. Next we all went to our regular classes like any normal day at school. I loved all my classes but I know Tuesdays are going to stink because I don't have human geography that day. As my first day of private school, high school, and John Carroll came to an end I was less nervous about the whole thing. I knew where all my classes were and what I needed for school, so now it's officially okay to say that I can't wait for my freshmen year at the John Carroll school.