Wednesday, September 26, 2012

A Message to Garcia

Today in class Mr.Schick read to us A Message to Garcia, which was mainly about how even though most people are lazy and will try to talk themselves out of doing work  and ask a bunch of questions or that they won't do the work unless they get something in return. There are good hard working people in the world that will do what they are asked with out any questions and get the job done. I really enjoyed the essay, I liked the way it was written and what it was about.I think Mr.Schick read this to us to make us think of what kind of person we wanted to be at John Carroll, and that's what it did for me I really thought about what kind of student I wanted to be while I'm at John Carroll and I would like to be like Roan but still mayhap ask a one or two questions to help me along the way to Garcia.

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