Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Day One of High School

I am very excited for Human Geography this year, my class seems very fun and interesting, I can’t wait to hear all the different conversations we are going to have together. Today in class we talked about the syllabus. This is everything we need to know about human geo. with Mr.Schick. It showed us how our assignments were going to be graded, and that we lose 10% each day homework is late. The syllabus also talks about how important it is to pay attention in class and not play games and goof off on your laptop. It’s important because not only could it be affecting our grade in class but it could also affect the people around us. Because John Carroll is a collage prep school we are also responsible for making up work that we missed from either being sick or leaving school early for a sports game. Today was really just for getting to know everyone and learning all the rules in the Schick kingdom. I'm really looking forward to being in this class this year.

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