Wednesday, September 26, 2012


I already wrote about what we talked about in class yesterday but i forgot to add the definitions so, here they are.

  • Arete- Courage and strength in the face of adversity.
  • Polis- Greek city states that got to choose their own leaders.
  • Socrates-(this one answers who he was and what his method was) A Greek philosopher, he came up with a method to ask someone a question and then ask them questions about their answers.
  • The Death of Socrates- Condemned to death by Athenian government for his teaching methods, disrespecting the gods, and disturbing the youth.
  • 508 BC-  Klisthenis gained power and created democracy.
  • Idiot-Someone who does not vote.
  • Agora- A place of assembly, a market,city center,or meeting place.

Today in class we went over most of the words from ancient Greece and really got into some.

good discussions about the words and their definitions and the stories to their definitions. I 

liked talking about Socrates he does sound really cool and interesting.I think its amazing how 

people like him can actually come up with methods like that and others that are different and 

have them make complete sense and be some what true. I also thought it was interesting that 

even though he had a why of getting himself from being killed he still when through with it 

because he believed in the government and how they did things in Greece. Greece was the first  

ever  in the world to have democracy. The Greek had a place in the middle of town where they 

all voted on many different things. Like how much olive oil should cost and whether they should 

go to war with someone else or not. I just like that the Greek had so much control on what was 

going on where they live. I know we have a democracy but ours is a little more strict because

we don't have the power to vote on whether we should go to war or not.

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